The original songs at are written, arranged, performed & produced by multi-media fine artist Eric Scott Bloom, also known as "MODARTIST." Born in Brookline, MA in 1962, Bloom has been writing and recording original music since 1976. He has been in several groups along the way, including Framingham, MA's own THE PICTURES (1978-1980) and GENTLE MEN (1980-1984). Since then he has played, recorded and performed solo, and with countless friends and fellow musicians. He has written over 300 songs, and is currently in the process of creating and promoting these compositions as part of his own record company, EpiGothic SINGLES. Each song is an individual sound painting, and is released on the WWW as an entity all its own, though part of a large and ever-expanding body of work.

Eric Scott Bloom is also an accomplished Photographer, Painter, Poet, Graphic Designer, and Performance Artist. Examples of his multi-media art can be seen at Comments, questions, or feedback of any kind can be posted in the site Guestbook, or directed to the artist at

Eric is also present on TWITTER (/TheModartist) & Facebook (/modartist).
His Fine Art Photography can also be seen at FLICKR (/modartist) & Twitpix (/TheModartist).